Dr. Hubert Bauer
Dipl.-Biologe, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry
Head of Jugend forscht STEM competition and Robotics workgroups
Helmholtz Teacher Award 2015
MIT SEPT participant, 2019
Dr. Christian Burisch
Teacher of Physics, Computer Science and Biology
STEM Coordinator at Leibniz-Gymnasium, Essen
Physics Consultant and Instructor for Radiation Protection, District Government, Düsseldorf
Instructor for professional development courses in Physics, Kompetenzteam NRW
Author of Physics textbooks, Cornelsen publishing company
MIT SEPT participant, 2012
Matthias Körperich
Teacher of Mathematics and Physics
Chair of the Physics Department, STEM Team
Supervisor Award of Jugend forscht STEM competition, 2018
Rainer Linden
Project Manager, Schule MIT Wissenschaft
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics
Coordinator of the Jugend forscht STEM competition
Instructor for professional development courses in Physics, Kompetenzteam NRW
MIT SEPT participant, 2008
Helmut Lotze

Managing Director, Planning Office LOTZE. architekten + stadtplaner
Fulbright Scholarship, Fellow of the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) at MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Master of Science in Architecture Studies, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Master in City Planning, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Marcel Muth
Teacher of Biology, Physics and Physical Education
Head of Senior High School
MIT SEPT participant, 2008
Sören Sander
Teacher of Physics and Geography
Chair of the Physics Department
MIT SEPT participant, 2019
Britta Schulze
Teacher of Biology and English
Chair of the Biology Department
MIT SEPT participant, 2010
Former Project Team members
Stefan Weißflog
Treasurer, MIT Club of Germany e.V. (quondam)
Managing Director, Avedera Corporate Culture Consulting
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Practice, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Lecturer, IAP, on topic “Problem Solving and the Brain”, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Andreas Boelter †
Project Manager, Schule MIT Wissenschaft
Chairman for Schule MIT Wissenschaft of the MIT Club of Germany e.V.
Teacher of Biology and Chemistry
Coordinator of the Jugend forscht STEM competition
Coordinator of the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Jugend forscht foundation
Founder and Coordinator of Experten in die Schule (Experts for Schools)
MIT SEPT participant, 2010
MIT Teacher of the Year Award, 2013